Posts by devx
Addressing disparities in cancer care accessibility globally
In an article in Communications Medicine, a professor of epidemiology points out that cancer used to be a disease of the affluent, reserved predominantly for people in high-income countries. In the past few decades, however, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have become home to a high burden of cancer-related morbidity and mortality. In the…
Read MoreBridging infrastructure gaps for effective microbiology labs in developing nations
The World Health Organisation (WHO) claims that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the leading public health and development threats in the world. The global health agency estimates that in 2019, 1.27 million deaths were a direct consequence of AMR. In total, AMR contributed to an astounding 4.95 million deaths that year. With many…
Read MoreDeploying prefabricated factory systems to strengthen the fight against visceral leishmaniasis
Kala azar, black fever, or visceral leishmaniasis. VL for short. The most serious of three main forms of leishmaniasis, VL is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) that is almost always fatal if left untreated. Like the other kinds of leishmaniasis, it is caused by protozoan parasites, transmitted by the bite of infected female phlebotomine…
Read MoreImproving cancer care access in Africa
In 1970, 15% of the world’s new cancer cases were found in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In 2008, 56% of the world’s new cancer cases were found in LMICs. By 2030, it is estimated that a whopping 70% of new global cancer cases will be found in LMICs. What about survival…
Read MoreEmpowering healthcare innovation in LMICs through local research and prefabricated construction
In the past several decades, the world of healthcare has borne witness to countless innovations in drugs, vaccines, therapeutic modalities, medical technology, and healthcare delivery. From the eradication of smallpox and the novel use of mRNA for vaccine delivery to remote monitoring devices and telemedicine for remote medical consultations, the health sector has come a…
Read MoreCombating AMR and infectious diseases in Africa: The urgency of building vaccine ecosystems
When antibiotics were introduced, they were a game-changer in the treatment of infectious diseases which had previously overwhelmed health systems and claimed innumerable lives. Today, antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs are still important concerns in the health sector, but not for the right reasons. After years of use, overuse, and misuse of antimicrobial drugs…
Read MoreOn disease and diagnosis: Eliminating obstacles to RDT adoption
The first step in fighting an infection or disease is to label it correctly, i.e., to get an accurate diagnosis. If you live in a high-income country or a fairly well-developed urban area, this doesn’t seem like much of a problem. You visit the nearest lab or call a health professional to your home to…
Read MoreEnsuring the stability of modular and prefab structures for sustainable construction
Prefab is not a fad: The history of modular construction People often have the misconception that prefabricated modular construction is an unstable and cheap quick fix. They couldn’t be more wrong. Prefabricated construction, in pharma and beyond, is far from a passing trend. It has been part of the engineering and construction industry…
Read MoreDown with diabetes: PodTech™’s solution to a growing global problem
Excessive thirst, the need to urinate frequently, tiredness, weight loss, blurred vision. The onset of symptoms like these often indicates the development of diabetes and a lifetime of managing high blood glucose and related health issues. Think kidney failure, stroke, heart attacks. A universal problem? In 2021, 529 million people across the world…
Read MoreClosing the book on the HIV/AIDS epidemic: Scaling up HIV testing in Asia Pacific with PodTech
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, or the SDGs: 17 goals and many more targets for the world to meet by 2030. Goal 3 is to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. Target 3.3 is to end the scourge of communicable diseases, a significant one being the HIV/AIDS…
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