Revolutionising Local Pharma and Biotech: The Power of Prefabricated Factory Systems


Blurb: Explore the transformative power of prefabricated factory systems in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors. Learn about the numerous advantages of these systems – time savings, minimised disruptions, job creation, and economic growth – which can set LMICs on the quickest path to self-sufficiency.

Unlocking Self-Sufficiency
Among the many challenges LMICs face in their pursuit of sustainable development, limited industrialisation, trade imbalances, and the burden of debt are the most pivotal. Many LMICs still grapple with an underdeveloped industrial base, with their economies relying heavily on agriculture and resource extraction. This lack of industrial diversification has left these nations vulnerable to external shocks.

With every nation’s varying demographics and unique set of problems, it is essential for them to have a hold on local industrialisation, especially in the pharma and biotech sectors. A localised pharmaceutical and biotech industry will ensure a nation’s ability to domestically produce medicines, vaccines, and medical technologies that suit their indigenous needs. In the post-pandemic world, many nations are trying to make essential changes to achieve such pharma supply stability. Adopting new-age technology to create world-class pharma development infrastructure is the only logical solution to this critical need. That’s where a plug-and-play factory system, aka a prefabricated factory system, can make all the difference.

The Prefabricated Factory Solution
The prefabricated factory system is an innovative and modular construction approach. It comprises self-contained units that are designed for rapid and straightforward scalability to meet specific manufacturing or production needs. Each individual self-contained unit is equipped with essential infrastructure components, including air handling, building management systems, fire protection, and utilities.

Advantages of Prefabricated Factory Systems
There are various advantages of using prefabricated factory systems that can significantly benefit LMICs, particularly in pharmaceutical and biotech industries, such as:

  • Significant Time Savings: We know that the need for better pharma and healthcare infrastructure is now. We also know prefabricated factory systems for their speed and efficiency in construction and setup. These systems are designed for rapid deployment, with pre-manufactured components that can be assembled quickly. As a result, they can lead to significant time savings in project schedules, potentially reducing construction timelines by up to 50% compared to traditional factory construction methods. This accelerated timeline is of utmost importance to combat local health crises.
  • Minimised Disruptions: Traditional factory construction often involves extensive on-site work, which can cause disruption to existing operations in the vicinity. Prefabricated factory systems are modular and constructed off-site. This significantly minimises disruptions to ongoing activities. The pharma industry, especially in LMICs, cannot afford extensive downtime if it is to meet the demands of its consumers. So deploying prefabricated factory systems can be an effective solution to ensure that operations continue to run smoothly during the construction of a new plant.
  • Flexibility, Scalability, and Ease of Relocation: Prefabricated factory systems offer great potential for flexibility and scalability. Companies can easily adjust the size and configuration of their facilities to address changing production needs, evolving market demands, and unexpected disease outbreaks. Additionally, the modular nature of prefabricated factory systems makes them relatively easy to relocate if ever such a need arises, as it may in times of conflict and climate crisis. This feature allows pharma manufacturers to manage their responses quickly and utilise their resources effectively when faced with any change – small or big – that calls for adaptation.
  • Access to Affordable Medicines: While prefabricated systems offer numerous advantages across industries, they are particularly crucial for the pharma and biotech industries in LMICs, especially in Africa. In keeping with the African Union’s mission to meet at least 60% of its domestic vaccine demand by 2040, there is no time to lose in making vaccines and other pharma products more readily accessible to local populations. Using prefabricated factory systems can dramatically increase the local manufacturing of essential medicines; through greater affordability and accessibility, this will address critical public health needs of the local population.
  • Job Creation and Economic Growth: The growth of local industries comes with the opportunity to generate employment for locals. Establishing pharmaceutical and biotech production facilities brings with it the dual advantages of addressing public health and local employment needs. Job creation will not be limited to the manufacturing process alone; it will have the potential to extend into roles of research, development, quality control, logistics, sales, distribution, and beyond. This can positively impact LMICs’ economic growth by boosting productivity and increasing income levels.
  • Knowledge and Innovation Transfer: Prefabricated systems don’t just benefit those immediately involved with them; they have spillover effects onto other sectors and industries. The presence of local pharmaceutical and biotech industries fostered by prefabricated factory systems can quickly encourage collaboration between academia, research institutions, and the private sector. Such collaboration can lead to knowledge transfer, technology sharing, and driving scientific advancements that offer holistic improvements to the lives of all the people and communities involved.
  • Reducing Dependence on Imports: Local pharmaceutical production will reduce LMICs’ dependence on imported medicines and medical technologies. It will help strengthen local pharmaceutical supply by mitigating the risks associated with disruptions in highly interconnected global supply chains or fluctuations in international markets.
  • Customised Solutions and Export Potential: One of the most important advantages of homegrown pharmaceutical and biotech industries is the ability to tailor products to address specific health challenges in the region. This customisation can lead to more targeted, effective treatments and solutions. Moreover, the excess production capacity created through these systems can open up opportunities for exporting pharma and biotech products to international markets, contributing to positive trade balances and economic growth.

PodTech’s Innovative Solution
PodTech’s prefabricated factory systems –  podule™ – offer a comprehensive solution that goes beyond construction efficiency. The podules™ are constructed within air-tight containers, undergo rigorous Factory Acceptance (FA) testing and validation processes, and are shipped with a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) to ensure their readiness for immediate use upon arrival at the site.

PodTech allows governments and businesses to collaborate with established manufacturers worldwide. They can choose to obtain technology licenses and sharing arrangements for various aspects such as fill-and-finish, inhalation suites, onco and novel products. This opens avenues for regions historically marginalised in the global pharmaceutical market to establish their self-reliance. PodTech offers a way to enhance a nation’s self-sufficiency by providing a versatile and efficient approach to industrial construction.

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