Podtech™’s compounding podules™ spearhead future solutions

Blurb: The groundbreaking potential of Podtech™’s compounding podules™ can propel healthcare into the future by addressing global pharmaceutical challenges with innovation and efficiency.
With over 32,000 pharmacies across the USA offering compounding services, the American Pharmacists Association estimates that roughly 7,500 of them specialise in creating unique preparations for patients. The Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding reports that 1 to 3 per cent of prescriptions in the United States fall into this category, with nearly 40 per cent of pharmacy compounders working exclusively in dedicated compounding facilities.
Empowering LMICs: Bridging healthcare gaps with Podtech™
Access to essential medicines of controlled quality is a cornerstone of effective healthcare systems. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where pharmaceutical industries face limitations, compounding services emerge as a vital component of healthcare systems, ensuring access to quality essential medicines.

A recent study highlighted the prevalence and necessity of compounding services in pharmacies, especially in areas with poor access to essential medicines and a scarcity of pharmaceutical industries. Additionally, the challenge of a “one-size-fits-all” approach to medications, particularly for vulnerable populations and those with rare diseases, underscores the importance of compounding practices. The study revealed that the unavailability of prepackaged medications and needed dosage regimens for specific demographics led to the widespread adoption of compounding as a safe and recommended solution.

Compounding labs play a vital role in tailoring medications for individual patients, addressing challenges in paediatric and geriatric care, managing diseases with limited treatment options, and overcoming disruptions in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Additionally, compounding pharmacies enhance economic efficiency, adapt to local health challenges, and contribute to improved healthcare accessibility, particularly in underserved areas. By providing a cost-effective, on-demand solution, compounding labs in LMICs ensure individuals receive personalised, effective, and safe medications that align with their unique health conditions.

Podtech™’s biopharmaceutical factory solution
With Podtech™’s innovative compounding podules™, LMICs can have compounding labs operational within an impressive 12 months. This biopharmaceutical factory system is pre-engineered, pre-fabricated, and pre-validated, ensuring mobility and efficiency.

Designed for the production of high-value, low-volume, and high-tech products, Podtech™ utilises container-sized podules™ assembled at their factory. The compounding podule™, complete with cleanroom equipment, lab furniture, fire protection systems, and utilities, boasts European and Japanese tech for air handling units.

Each podule™ is weatherproof, featuring a seismically designed steel structure and modular prefab construction. The cleanroom, equipped with stringent quality control measures, ensures a controlled environment with humidity and temperature regulation.

Podtech™’s package includes air handling systems, automation, project management, factory acceptance tests, site transfer, site acceptance tests, and comprehensive validation and documentation. Your responsibilities? Just provide the land or hospital roof – Podtech™ takes care of the rest. It’s that simple to elevate your pharmaceutical production capabilities with the seamless efficiency of Podtech™’s compounding podules™.

Podtech™’s role in the compounding pharmacies market
Companies and entrepreneurs looking to invest in compounding labs will find it useful to know that a recent report by Global Market Insights predicted that the compounding pharmacies market is slated to reach a staggering USD18.2 billion by 2030, with a projected 5.5% CAGR between 2022 and 2030. The surge is attributed to the escalating popularity of individualised medication worldwide.

Pioneering the future of healthcare with Podtech™
Navigating the world of pharmaceuticals, the significance of compounding practices becomes evident – it helps address the nuanced needs of diverse patient populations and overcome the challenges faced by LMICs. Podtech™ has emerged as a transformative force, offering a streamlined solution to the growing demand for compounding laboratories.

With Podtech™’s compounding podules™, the dream of establishing compounding labs in LMICs in just 12 months becomes a tangible reality. This biopharmaceutical factory system, characterised by pre-engineering, pre-fabrication, and pre-validation, signifies not just efficiency but also a commitment to providing quality essential medicines in regions where access is often limited.

The compounding podule™, equipped with cutting-edge technology, cleanroom facilities, and stringent quality control measures, is a testament to Podtech™’s dedication to elevating pharmaceutical production capabilities. Weatherproof, modular, and incorporating European and Japanese tech, each podule™ exemplifies resilience and innovation.

As we ride the wave of the compounding pharmacies market – projected to reach USD18.2 billion by 2030 – Podtech™ stands at the forefront, offering not just a product but a comprehensive package. Hospital pharmacies, sterile compounding, and the surge in individualised medication underscore the relevance of Podtech™’s contribution to the evolving healthcare landscape.

With Podtech™, the future of healthcare is not just promising but revolutionary. Let us embark on this journey together, where innovation meets efficiency and healthcare transcends boundaries.

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