Facing tuberculosis head-on: Fostering local pharma manufacturing with PodTech™ innovations

Blurb: Africa faces critical challenges in combatting tuberculosis (TB). These challenges can only be surmounted by following internationally accepted strategies in service of the ambitious goal of TB elimination by 2030. The innovative solutions offered by PodTech™, particularly our prefabricated cleanrooms, can help achieve this by fostering local industry growth and addressing supply chain issues.
Challenges standing in the way of TB elimination
Africa’s strides in combatting tuberculosis (TB) face hurdles which jeopardise the ambitious global goal of TB elimination by 2030. Dr Norbert Ndjeka, Chief Director of TB Control and Management in South Africa’s National Department of Health, outlines the challenges and proposes solutions to fast-track progress. The challenges, such as inadequate TB screening practices and relying on less sensitive methods, hinder the effective identification of cases. The slow integration of new drugs compounds the struggle, limiting advancements in TB treatment. Scaling up preventive measures faces obstacles exacerbated by weak health systems and poverty. Insufficient government contributions and international funding create a significant funding gap, hindering the delivery of comprehensive TB services.

The impact of COVID-19 further complicated TB response efforts as resources were reallocated to pandemic-related needs, affecting essential TB services. Lockdowns during the pandemic impeded TB case detection, leading to a decline in recorded drug-resistant TB cases. Finally, inadequate patient retention in care, worsened by the pandemic, underscores the crucial need for sustained infection control measures to overcome existing weaknesses in the TB response.

Suggested strategies for TB elimination
The scourge of TB in Africa can be overcome with focused action in priority areas of prevention, diagnosis, R&D, and socio-economic development. Governments, development partners, and international agencies should:

● Prioritise the expansion of preventive TB therapy
● Improve infection control measures in healthcare facilities to prevent TB transmission
● Implement rapid molecular diagnostic tests for early and accurate TB diagnosis
● Adopt a universal testing and treatment approach to bridge the gap between estimated and detected TB cases
● Collaborate with civil society and academia to strengthen TB response through operational research and support for vulnerable populations
● Tackle TB as a social problem; contribute to its elimination by addressing poverty and improving living conditions
Considering these suggested strategies, it is understandable that a multisectoral response, sustained preventive measures, and advancements in diagnostics and treatment regimens are essential to overcome the challenges hindering TB progress in Africa. The urgency lies in collaborative efforts, which also means building indigenous strength, including a robust local pharmaceutical industry that focuses on the specific needs of targeted demographic groups.

Entrepreneurs, global companies, and local governments working towards creating a robust local pharma manufacturing industry in African countries now have an innovative solution presented by PodTech™. In the post-pandemic era, PodTech™ is a game-changer, providing much-needed capabilities to enhance local pharmaceutical production and foster healthcare autonomy. The best option for partner organisations, governments, and NGOs working in this space, PodTech™ offers efficient solutions with up to 50% faster project schedules and the flexibility to operate anywhere, addressing the pharmaceutical manufacturing gap in the remotest of regions.

PodTech™ prefabricated cleanrooms: A game-changer in pharma manufacturing
In the pharmaceutical industry, maintaining a pristine manufacturing environment is paramount, particularly in pharma packaging processes. Cleanrooms play a pivotal role in safeguarding products from contamination, which can arise from human presence, processes, facilities, and equipment. Stringent standards regulate the level of air cleanliness in pharmaceutical cleanrooms to control airborne particle concentration. To ensure continuous monitoring during packaging production, several control parameters must be meticulously managed. This includes monitoring active cleanroom surfaces, such as walls and equipment, through regular cleaning and viable particle counting using contact plates.

PodTech’s prefabricated cleanrooms, known as Podule™ clusters, are customisable, scalable structures that offer unparalleled efficiency, outperforming traditional construction methods. Equipped with air handling systems, fire protection, and utilities, these cleanrooms undergo rigorous testing before deployment.

PodTech’s Podule™ technology not only remedies harsh environmental conditions but also ensures a clean and regulated space for pharmaceutical production. The reinforced steel structure and stringent quality control measures of our podules™ make them suitable for areas with limited infrastructure, promoting local value addition and income generation. By facilitating local production of cleanrooms, PodTech™ addresses supply chain issues, making quality-assured products more accessible and affordable in LMICs in sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere. Ultimately, with a focus on quality and compliance, PodTech™ is headstrong about contributing to quality healthcare and healthcare equity globally.

Local cleanrooms: Regulatory compliance and economic growth
Developing cleanrooms locally enables LMICs to meet stringent regulatory requirements, enhancing their pharmaceutical industry’s reputation and facilitating exports to international markets. Beyond regulatory compliance, efficient local cleanroom design fosters research and development capabilities, reduces dependence on imports, and enhances accessibility to medicines. It also contributes to economic growth by creating job opportunities and promoting skill development in pharmaceutical sciences.

Enhancing efficiency with PodTech™ cleanrooms
Cleanrooms developed locally play a crucial role in LMICs combating diseases such as TB by creating a swift response to address it at all levels. Further, by having the infrastructure and capacity to rapidly produce and test pharmaceuticals, they ensure the availability of essential drugs and medical supplies at all times.

Empowering Africa with PodTech™: Transformative solutions for sustainable healthcare
PodTech™’s Podule™ technology and expertise offer transformative solutions for Africa to overcome supply chain challenges, enhance diagnostic capabilities, and combat diseases like TB. By establishing efficient local production capabilities, PodTech™ paves the way for self-sufficiency in pharmaceutical production, contributing significantly to healthcare equity on a global scale.

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