Making the Africa CDC’s vision for the continent’s pharma future come true

As the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) sets its sights on an ambitious target of fulfilling 60% of the continent’s vaccine needs through local production by 2040, a major obstacle lies in the startling lack of pharmaceutical manufacturing infrastructure across the region. Despite being home to over 1.3 billion people, Africa…

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Innovating for health in South America

Ah South America. The land of the samba. And the tango. And Carlos Santana. And the greatest of great footballers. And the Amazon rainforest. And capoeira. And chimichurri. And asado. And carnitas. And pao de queijo. Okay, enough with the food already.   How about also calling it the land of civil unrest? And some…

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How the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in Africa can drive inclusive economic growth with prefabricated factory systems

  Two birds, one stone The USA, the UK, wealthy European countries, and other large economies appear to be nearing their saturation points. According to an analysis by McKinsey & Company, while many of these large markets are experiencing slow or stagnating economic growth, Africa presents one of the only pharmaceutical markets where exponentially high…

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Ensuring safe medicines access for all: Good manufacturing practices for pharmaceuticals

Time and again, concerning reports of eyedrops with bacterial contamination, ineffective medications, mislabelled tablets, or the like surface globally. Not all such products are counterfeit or falsified; some are made with the intention of providing consumers with a quality health product, but there may have been lapses along the way. Across these different challenges, quality…

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A podule™️ for a healthier tomorrow

The world stands at a critical juncture in the battle against Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), with diabetes leading as a particularly relentless adversary. The urgency for accessible, reliable injectable medications is most acutely felt in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). These regions, constrained by limited healthcare infrastructure, urgently require innovative,…

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PodTech™️: fostering greener pharma manufacturing for sustainable healthcare and disease management in LMICs

Amidst the focus on much-required medical advancements, the environmental impact of pharmaceutical production has often escaped scrutiny. The discourse of greener pharma manufacturing for sustainable healthcare encompasses critical issues such as environmental pollution due to pharmaceutical production and negative effects on ecosystems. Forbes, in December 2021, highlighted a significant concern that the pharmaceutical industry has…

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Podtech™’s compounding podules™ spearhead future solutions

Blurb: The groundbreaking potential of Podtech™’s compounding podules™ can propel healthcare into the future by addressing global pharmaceutical challenges with innovation and efficiency. With over 32,000 pharmacies across the USA offering compounding services, the American Pharmacists Association estimates that roughly 7,500 of them specialise in creating unique preparations for patients. The Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding…

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Facing tuberculosis head-on: Fostering local pharma manufacturing with PodTech™ innovations

Blurb: Africa faces critical challenges in combatting tuberculosis (TB). These challenges can only be surmounted by following internationally accepted strategies in service of the ambitious goal of TB elimination by 2030. The innovative solutions offered by PodTech™, particularly our prefabricated cleanrooms, can help achieve this by fostering local industry growth and addressing supply chain issues.…

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Revolutionising Local Pharma and Biotech: The Power of Prefabricated Factory Systems

Blurb: Explore the transformative power of prefabricated factory systems in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors. Learn about the numerous advantages of these systems – time savings, minimised disruptions, job creation, and economic growth – which can set LMICs on the quickest path to self-sufficiency. Unlocking Self-SufficiencyAmong the many challenges LMICs face in their pursuit of…

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