To move an industry forward, you need fresh thinking and bold doing.
To move an industry forward, you need fresh thinking and bold doing.
Public health emergencies, such as pandemics, highly contagious disease outbreaks or geopolitical conflicts, rarely come with a warning label. Governments and pharmaceutical companies alike must be prepared to respond swiftly and flexibly and scale up on demand.
PodTech™️ accelerates crisis manufacturing capability.
We're on a mission to future-proof the world against the next health crisis
COVID-19 exposed the faultlines in our health systems and showed us how unprepared we are. Millions have died needlessly. Health systems continue to grapple with the continuing health impacts of Covid-19. The aftermath has proliferated a number of serious health conditions - brain fog, strokes, diabetes, kidney and heart disease - that are mini epidemics in themselves.
Wealthy countries can look after their own. Low and middle-income countries, reliant on medicine imports, are left to fend for themselves.
Stronger local production means more equitable access to lifesaving care.
With PodTech, governments and enterprising entrepreneurs alike can build your own path to regional self-sufficiency, especially in regions that have never had a seat at the table. You can better respond to public health emergencies.
PodTech™️ inoculates nations against health calamities.

The people behind the podule™️

Building regional pharmaceutical and biotech manufacturing capability is not child’s play.
It should be.
PodTech™️ is the latest initiative from Aasif Ahsan Khan of the Fabtech group. For over two decades, Fabtech has been one of the leading providers of start-to-finish solutions for biopharma companies across the world, from projects to essential equipment for air, water and process applications.
Fabtech builds manufacturing capability all over the world – through pharmaceutical projects and an essential equipment manufacturing ecosystem for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies. Each new project we take on means we can reshape the world into a more equitable place for everyone.
Fabtech is making medicines affordable and accessible everywhere. PodTech™️ is accelerating this mission in geographies that need speed.